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7月底的额外要约期还未结束,但接受要约的库卡股份已大大超过预期,美的将控股库卡超过85%,当然接下来半年内还需要经过各国政府的相关审批。外界好奇的是,为什么收购全球四大机器人公司之一库卡的是中国白电巨头美的而非其他公司。很显然,从转型路径和企业L导者战略思路来看,中国三大白电巨头海尔、格力、美的在智能制造方面的布局和方向是有明显差异的。换个角度看,“欧洲贵族X姐”库卡又为什么看上美的呢?库卡约50%的收入来自汽车行业,未来在一般工业自动化领域的潜力更大。且2015年库卡在中国境内的营业收入超过4亿元,在“四大家族”中排名垫底。所以,对库卡来说,未来想有更好的发展,中国一般工业机器人市场的机会不可错失。 这与美的的战略不谋而合。一位美的高管今年6月初曾在公司临时股东会上说,“美的非常看好全球一般工业自动化的机会,谁能在中国成为第一,就能在全球成为第一”。为稳定军心,628日,美的和库卡签订了《投资协议》,内容共5条,在进一步明确维持库卡的上市公司地位、管理团队的独立性、员工和基地的稳定性的同时,强调尊重库卡的品牌和知识产权,准备订立隔离防范协议承诺保密其商业机密和客户数据,维持库卡与其客户及供应商的稳定关系。当天,库卡管理层向股东推荐接受美的的要约收购。这起受全球瞩目的“跨国联姻”要修成正果,还需在2017331日前获得相关监管部门的批准,包括通过欧盟、德国、美国、中国、俄罗斯、巴西、墨西哥的反垄断审查,德国联邦经济事务和能源部对本次收购无反对意见,以及美国外资投资委员会(CFIUS)和国防贸易管制理事会(DDTC)审查等。中国有中国制造2025,德国有工业4.0,而恰好库卡是德国工业4.0的代表。中国制造2025与德国工业4.0如何协同发力?这将是美的与库卡“跨国联姻”Z让人期待之处。



A: determine the terms of international trade, foreign trade general terms: CIF (foreign supplier delivery to the designated port China), BOF (named port of delivery, to the foreign importer responsible for shipping), XEW (door to door service, responsible for foreign importers to factory delivery), general equipment than imported equipment more sophisticated appearance will use wooden cases foreign packaging, wood packaging of goods to do the fumigation and fumigation indicated marked IPPC before delivery, for external wooden packaging equipment nameplate marked the location and indicate the position. Lest domestic port customs dig box search nameplate.


Two: for the second-hand equipment import in 2015 China W Institute released on "cancel the record" imported old mechanical and electrical news, simplify the import process, but only to cancel the approval before the import dependency is the record paper importer imported second-hand equipment products before shipment of pre inspection record book "paper record book, currently in the import of second-hand equipment the importer still need to open the filing system for approval on the Internet, this is the first step before the import of second-hand machinery and equipment.


Three: second-hand equipment import domestic importers are required to open the filing system and related information submitted to the equipment, such as the name, type, country of origin, to declare the price, production date and other information with the system), after filing for approval, contact the overseas company to do CCIC inspection of shipment inspection and quarantine inspection and certification is also called Chinese (Group) Co. the company is as follows: 1, the China Inspection Company Limited (registered in Hongkong China) 2, Ccic North America Inc (registered in Losangeles) 3, China certification inspection group Limited (registered in Japan Japan Osaka) 4, Chinese certification inspection group Europe Limited (registered in Holland, Rotterdam) 5 China certification and inspection group Bremen Co. Ltd (registered in Germany 6, the Ccic London Company Ltd (Bremen) registered in London 7), Chinese certification inspection group Limited (registered in Marseille, Marseille, Ccic Canada Inc (8) registered in Vancouver Canada) 9, China certification inspection group Korea Co. Ltd (registered in Seoul, South Korea) 10 China certification inspection group Bp Australia Limited (registered in Sydney Australia) 11, Chinese certification inspection group Limited (registered in Singapore in 12, the Ccic Spain Ltd (Singapore) registered in Barcelona Spain) 13, China certification inspection group Pbl Macau Ltd (registered in Macao China) 14, Hongkong's Industrial Co., Ltd. Taiwan branch inspection (registered in Taiwan Chinese)



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