GDP Deflator GDP 紧缩指数
GDP Gap GDP 缺口
Recession 衰退
Depression 萧条
Inertial Growth Rate 惯性增长率
Aggregate Supply/Demand 总供给 / 需求
Equilibrium of AD and AS 总供给和总需求的均衡
Stagflation 滞胀
Fixed Money-Supply Effect 固定货币供给效应
Open-Market Operations 公开市场业务
Unemployment Benefits 失业救济
Concessionary Finance 优惠性融资
Production Gain 生产收益
MES (Minimum Efficient Scale) 达到最有效的基本生产规模
Intra-Industry Specialization 行业内的专业化分工
Ad Valorem Tariff 从价税
Specific Duty 从量税
Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs) 自动出口限制
Balance of Payment Disequilibrium 国际收支不平衡
Global Economic Welfare 全球经济福利
Signatory 签约方
Contracting Party 缔约方