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2012-04-12 16:100
* 精益思想:一个可以被遵照执行的开始精益制造的模式,和如何在不停止运营的情况下实现它
* 增值和非增值活动:帮助你了解增值和非增值活动的定义并识别7种浪费
* 精益领导力: 帮助你理解精益领导力管理的核心
* 精益诊断:介绍从精益角度来诊断公司现状的模型
* 价值流映射:介绍价值流映射的方法
* 精益转型路线图:展示精益转型的一般方法
* 关键成功因素:介绍导致精益转型成功的关键成功因素
* 风险管理:介绍精益转型过程中的风险管理方法
* 变更管理:介绍变更管理的核心
Raina Cheng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
Room 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,
Jiangsu 210002, China
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933
E: raina.cheng@ulinking.com
Lean Leadership
And Lean Transformation Strategy
Shanghai, China
19th & 20th July 2012
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Lean Leadership And Lean Transformation Strategy on 19th & 20th July 2012 in Shanghai.
What the Seminar Will Help You Achieve:
* Lean thinking: A model that can be followed to get started with LEAN manufacturing and how to implement without stopping operations
* Value added and non value added: Help you to understand the definition of value added and non value added activities and identify the 7 wastes
* Lean leadership: Help you to understand the core of lean leadership for management
* Lean diagnosis: introduce you a models to diagnose the company’s current situation from the perspective of lean
* Value stream mapping: introduce you the methodology of value stream mapping
* Roadmap to lean transformation: show you the usual way to lean transformation
* Key successful factors: introduce you the key successful factors that lead to a successful lean transformation
* Risk management: introduce you the risk management method during the lean
* Change management: introduce you the core of change management
Raina Cheng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
Room 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,
Jiangsu 210002, China
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933
E: raina.cheng@ulinking.com
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