珠海一銳電子科技有限公司現下屬公司有珠海一銳打印耗材有限公司、珠海一銳網絡工程有限公司和長沙一銳電腦耗材有限公司。一銳科技專業從事各種環保打印機耗材、電腦配件、電子元件、監控設備、高科數碼産品的設計、開發、生產、銷售、服務及智能樓宇網絡、監控設備安裝的資質公司,也是主要的打印、複印耗材專業供應生産商;面向全世界提供最优质的OEM 业务,本公司綠色環保、智能監控、辦公設備的生產廠設在聞名世界的海濱城市珠海。
珠海一銳打印耗材有限公司目前生產和銷售的"一銳(ER)"品牌產品(OEM)系列有: 全新打印機墨盒、硒鼓、填充墨水、碳粉、色帶架、復印機粉以及再生環保墨盒、再生硒鼓、芯片等共計九大系列280多種型號的產品,可兼容的打印機品牌有:愛普生(EPSON)、佳能(CANON)、惠普(HP)、利盟(LEXMARK)、兄弟(BROTHER)、三星(SAMSUNG)和聯想(LENOVO);複印機品牌有:東芝(TOSHIBA)、美能達(MINOLTA)、夏普(SHARP)、理光(RICOH)、施樂(XEROX)、松下(PANASONIC)、柯尼卡(KONICA)、震旦(AURORA)。公司生產中心擁有2000多平方米全封閉防塵凈化生產車間並引進數條先進專業生產線,完全實現自動化生產和真空灌墨、真空封裝,月產量可達20萬隻。本公司嚴格按照ISO9001:2000質量保證體系,全面實施TQM,並建立起一對一的質量跟蹤體系,所有產品100%在線測試,確保全系列產品上機合格率99%以上。
Zhuhai Erui Printing Comsumable Co.,Ltd. which mainly deals with the design, development, production , sale and service of kinds of environmental printing comsumable, is one of the primary suppliers of this area in the world.,The factory , devoted to environmental protection ,locates in the well-known coastal city ----Zhuhai.
The main production we deal with are ER brand 9 serials with over 280 types, as following:,original inkjet cartridge , toner cartridge , refill kit , toner for printer and duplicator , ribbon carriage , recycled inkjet cartridge , recycled toner cartridge , chip and so on .Those can be compatible with printer of Epson , Canon , HP , Lexmark , Brother , Samsung , Lenovo etc.There are also 2000 square kms production workshop which is completely obturated ,dustproof and decontaminated .The company introduces several special product lines to achieve complete automatic production ,vacuum irrigation and encapsulation . The monthly output amounts to 200,000 pcs .The company conforms to ISO 9001:2000 quality guaranteed system , actualizing TQM comprehensively.
Meanwhile, we set up one-to-one quality tracking system . All products quality will be tested online to ensure 99% available.
ER always regards Quality ensures brand ,Brand creats benefit , Market seeks subsistance . as its managemental theory and insists The oriented ,devotion ,practical people choose high quality raw materials constantly in the international market .to estabilish the foundation for excellent goods , at the same time , advanced product equipment , exact testing apparatus and strictly quality controlling system supply powerful quality guarantee for ER .
Zhuhai Erui Printing Consumable Co.,LTD.,which mainly deals with the design,development,production,sale and service of kinds of environmental printing consumables, is the primary supplier of this area in the world.
The factory,devoted to the environmental protection,locates in the well-known coastal city---Zhuhai.
The main product we deal with are Erui brand 9 series over 200 types,such as inkjet cartridge,refill kit,toner cartride,toner ,ribbon cartridge,chip,recycles inkjet cartridge etc.